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Culling (Cucurbita Muschata)

Culling (Cucurbita Muschata), Botany
Culling (Cucurbita Muschata)
The pieces from a squash plant after pruning in their diminished state.

Botany    71.2 x 71.2 x 4   

Sara Sally LaGrand, award winning artist and author, has had the great fortune to study glass with many gifted teachers both in America and Italy. She holds a BA in Glass Formation from Park University, Parkville, MO.

Honors include awards from Art Westport, Kansas City, State of the Arts, Prairie Village, KS, Bead Museum of Washington, DC, Bead and Button magazine, Images Art Gallary, and the Kansas City Artists Coalition, Best in Show, Molten, a National Glass and Metals Show, Chicago, IL. She has taught flameworking all over the world.
She has been a presenter at the glass symposium at Sars-Poteries, France and ISGB conference at Louisville, KY 2009. She has served on the board of the International Society of Glass Beadmakers 2005-2007
Her work has been published in many books and magazines including The Flow, Bead and Button, Glass Art Magazine. She currently writes for Glass Art Magazine and The Flow Magazine.

Her work can be found in public and private collections around the world.