Codosiga Botrytis (Ehrenberg) Fresenius
This delicate choanoflagellate is only visible with a microscope. I used a copy of the Blaschkas' ink and watercolor depiction to create my model with flagellum and vacuole.
Construction: Glass model, watercolor paper copy, glass-fronted box.
11 x 9.5 x 2.25
Beth Hylen participates in exhibits nationwide and she creates and models glass dresses at Glass Art Society Fashion shows.
Her work is featured in publications, including Women Working in Glass; 500 Glass Objects: a Celebration of Functional & Sculptural Glass; 500 Necklaces; Contemporary Metal Clay Rings; New Glass Review; PMC Annual 2 and 3; Flow Magazine; Laura Donefer’s Glass Fashion Extravaganza; The Joy of Coldworking and Contemporary Metal Clay Rings. She participated in the NYFA MARK, a professional growth program for visual artists across New York State in 2011.
She teaches workshops and classes in Metal Clay and Glass at The Studio of The Corning Museum of Glass and has assisted at Penland School of Crafts, Pittsburgh Glass Center, Pilchuck, and Urban Glass.
Hylen recently retired as a reference librarian at The Corning Museum of Glass. She serves as Co-Moderator of the Decorative Arts Section, Art Libraries Society of North America and Co-Chair of the Glass Art Society History Advisory Committee. Lampworking history is a special fascination. She has lectured at the Glass Art Society; Art Libraries Society of North America; International Flameworking Conference; Carder Steuben Club; International Society of Glass Beadmakers (keynote); and The Corning Museum of Glass.